Dazo FOTOGRAFO BRASILEIRO nascido em 1980 formado em Processos fotográficos em 2013 pelo Senac e amante da fotografia. Por sempre ter paixão PELA arte acabou desenvolvendo a maioria dos seus trabalhos na área da música fotografando shows, still de video clipes e making Ofs. COM A CHEGADA DA PANDEMIA ONDE TODOS EVENTOS PRESENCIAIS FORAM SUSPENSOS DAZO RESOLVEU COLOCAR SEUS PROJETOS AUTORAIS EM PRATICA E SE REINVENTAR. DESDE ENTÃO PASSOU A OUSAR A FAZER ARTE POR OUTRAS VIAS. 
Dazo photographer Brazilian was born in 1980 and gratuated in Process Photographics in 2013 by Senac School. Dazo fell in love with photos through music where he developed his jobs inside the music industry, photographing concerts, video clips, and many artists from black music. When the pandemic began,all presential events were suspended and Dazo decided to put his authoral projects in practice and reinvented himself. Since started using his camera to make art in other ways.
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